Concept Based Search

Concept: A concept is a unique annotation linked to articles, stories, or events, representing entities or keywords. It allows for precise searches using unique identifiers (URI), instead of language-specific keywords.

Potential reach

A Troubleshooting Guide to Potential Reach '<100'

Are you wondering why the potential reach for your article is displaying as less than 100? Here, we will walk you through five key reasons why this could be happening and offer a guide on how to address it.

1. Limited content in the media category:

If there aren't enough articles within the same 'media category' on the website where your article is hosted, this could limit the overall audience interest, thereby affecting your potential reach.

2. Incompatible website structure:

Our system may find some website structures incompatible and may not pull and analyze articles. This could also contribute to a lower potential reach number.

3. Subscribed historical data access:

Your organization’s Arkreach subscription plan plays a pivotal role in this scenario. The plan should support historical data pull. Sometimes, if the publishing date of the article is beyond the subscribed plan duration (by default, it's a month), the system might not process the article data.

4. Untracked news website domain:

Occasionally, due to technical challenges or non-inclusion in Arkreach’s database, a news website domain might not be tracked. If you face this issue, don't worry. Just email us the website URLs and we'll start tracking them within 24-48 hours.

5. Unique Media list:

Perhaps your work lies in a niche sector, and the news websites that matter to you are quite specialized, regional, or language-specific. This uniqueness could also be a factor in a <100 data reading. Once you email the website URL to us, we can add it to our database for tracking immediately.

For any specific query, reach out to us:

You can either email us at [email protected] or use the chatbot within the platform. Please include the following information

  1. Copy the dashboard URL from your browser. It would look something like this-
  2. The relevant website URLs and/or article links
  3. A brief description of the issue

Why is Arkreach media list different from my usual list?

Well, that's a million-dollar question, since for a long long time media lists for specific media categories have looked the same (with minor changes here and there).

Not saying that our list is the best but it is definitely the only one rooted in news media data and online reader behavior. So, it's definitely worth a try. Let's deep dive and find out why.

The Usual Media List

As the name suggests this is the media list that you have been using currently. What do we know about these lists?

  1. It is pretty much Influenced by word of mouth i.e. our industry peer discussions on what media outlets work better, where the reputation is great, and what is most loved.
  2. If a competition gets featured in specific media publications then that definitely got to be on our list.
  3. That's great but we always need some data as well to layer this up, so here comes the domain traffic i.e. the overall traffic size on a news publication e.g. this would range from a few '000 to million user visits per day on the likes of NYtimes, Economic Times, or The Washington Post ). We used this to measure overall reach, the PR value, and the proverbial ROI.

What's wrong with this approach?

Nothing! it makes sense (kind of) but here's the catch. It lacks one big element and that is DATA.. not just any data but objectively defined DATA focused on actual engagements, not just social media interactions on published news media content.

I know what you are thinking - why not social media interactions?

Social media interactions are the byproduct of your content being published, as and when few (I mean very few) of the readers share it on social media or engage with the article links they find there.

So, what DATA is important for published content on online news media? Here are three good data points that your media list should come true on:

Three good reasons:

Number 1: Who did you reach out to? i.e. Audience persona
Number 2: In what measure were you able to reach out to them? i.e. Potential reach
Number 3: Did the visitors really engage with the article? i.e. Sustained audience size

(sustained audience size: (Definition) Visitors who take more than one action (e.g. click), and spend quality time consuming the content on the site.)

Now, let's see how the Arkreach media list is different.

For starters keep in mind the three good data points we just mentioned.
Now, let's see how Arkreach leverages these.

Audience Persona Content Quality Sustained Audience Size

These are interconnected aspects through which the Arkreach media list is crafted using its algorithm fuelled by AI models. We solve these by overcoming a series of challenges and here we go...

Challenge number 1: What do we know about the people we want to target?

Using the targeting criteria set we look at news media domains that host visitors with similar characteristics like location, age, gender, income, occupation, education, household size, etc. The focus is to collect information about persona-specific behavior and figure out where they go on the content publishing websites to consumer content.

That brings us to...

Challenge number 2: Where are the most number of people who meet this specific criterion for a particular media category going to read?

....and what do they do there? Well, we know that they consume specific content which can be always categorized among popular themes like health, tech, business etc. This is easy to predict in niche sites but for large news media domains, this becomes a challenge since media category content is contextual and hosted all across the portal.

This brings us to...

Challenge number 3: This is how to isolate this content-specific behavior and start to pick up reader engagement trends.

...and we solve this by focusing on Sustained Audience Size. Most news media websites have loads and loads of visitors but 65% to 85%++ do not stay on the site for long. Either people are either really choosy about what they want to read or they don't like what they see when they land on the news media site. They were possibly misdirected to this web location through online ads, affiliate traffic, or clickbait.

Thus, we focus on quality visitors who take more actions on the news media site and spend some quality time, usually more than 5sec to 10 secs++ (Yep, that's a lot in the lifetime of an online visitor :D)

This brings us to...

Challenge number 4: How do we make sense of all this 'jargon'?

{ ARK score }

Ark Score is a universal metric used to grade media list-specific sites through precise parameters focused on online user behavior for a particular media list category rather than overall domain traffic size. It is calculated on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest value. The score considers various factors such as available content quality, sustained user traffic on specific content themes, and the targeted audience persona.

... and that's the reason the Arkreach media list looks different than your usual list.

In summary,

Reasons to Believe Usual  Media List Arkreach Media list
Reason 1: Based on overall domain traffic Based on the most active 'sustained audience size
Reason 2: Doesn't consider the Audience's persona Focuses on Audience persona
Reason 3: The list is sorted into a niche or general categories The list is sorted basis of content quality
Reason 4: Doesn't account for  dynamic online reader behavior Focuses on dynamic reader behavior and news cycle. (Read: Ark score)
Reason 5: Takes manual research, and can get quite subjective DATA doesn't lie.

While you craft your next media list, and if the numbers start to overwhelm you, remember...

When in doubt trust the Arkscore!

Quick links:

  1. Website: {Arkreach }
  2. Dashboard: {login to} start your free trial.
  3. Blog post on Ark score {here}
Glossary of Terms

Definition of Terms


  1. Ark score: Ark Score is a universal metric to grade publications based on precise parameters focused on online user behavior for a particular media category. It is calculated on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest value. The score considers various factors such as content quality, sustained user traffic on specific website sections, and the audience persona.

One line definition: Universal metric out of 100 which grades the media list sites basis the most relevant targeted audience persona consuming the highest category-specific content quality and sustained audience size.

Detailed definition:

Ark score broadly considers the following:

  • Content Quality: The Ark Score takes into consideration websites with the most relevant and high-quality media category content. For example, if you choose health or tech as your media category, then the data analyzed will be only for that specific category and not for every other topic in the news domain.
  • Sub-section visits: Sustained user traffic on specific website sections where readers spend quality time consuming the category-specific content. For instance, if you want to read about health, you would visit specific sections on the website, such as, and other locations where such content is predominantly hosted.
  • Audience Persona: A specific audience set chosen basis your targeting criteria and share similar characteristics like location, age, gender, income, occupation, education, household size etc. You can use this to better understand how your targeting selections can limit or expand your targeted audience size. This estimate may vary over time. Tip: You may see improved performance with a broader audience selection.

2. Potential reach: The unique potential audience size for this media list category in the last 30 days.

3. Estimated Audience size: Largest ‘sustained audience size’ that potentially would have been exposed to within the last 30 days.  Potential reach, on the other hand, is a subset of the Estimated Audience size that pertains to a specific media category.

4. Sustained Audience size: Visitors who take more than one action (e.g. click), and spend quality time consuming the content on the site.

5. Media Category: It is a specific content category that is used to classify the content publishing/news sites based on the type of content they publish. Examples include health, general news, tech, politics, business, finance, and more. Arkreach supports a wide range of 67 unique media categories to cater to the diverse needs of its users.

6. Audience Persona:  A specific audience set chosen basis your targeting criteria and share similar characteristics like location, age, gender, income, occupation, education, household size, etc. You can use this to better understand how your targeting selections can limit or expand your targeted audience size. This estimate may vary over time. Tip: You may see improved performance with a broader audience selection.

7. Modules: Modules refer to the 4 modules offered by Arkreach. These are:

  • Media planning
  • Measurement
  • Crisis & Monitoring
  • Content Optimization

Each module offers state-of-the-art metrics based on reader-centric data.

What is Ark Score?

Ark Score is a universal metric used grade media list-specific sites through  precise parameters focused on online user behavior for a particular media list category rather than overall domain traffic size. It is calculated on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest value. The score considers various factors such as available content quality, sustained user traffic on specific website sections (not domain), and the targeted audience persona.

One-line definition:

Universal metric out of 100 which grades the media list sites basis the most relevant targeted audience persona consuming the highest category-specific content quality and sustained audience size.

Detailed definition:

Ark score broadly considers the following:

  1. Content Quality: The Ark Score takes into consideration websites with the most relevant and high-quality media category content. For example, if you choose health or tech as your media category, then the data analyzed will be only for that specific category and not for every other topic in the news domain.
  2. Sub-section visits: Sustained user traffic on specific website sections where readers spend quality time consuming the category-specific content. For instance, if you want to read about health, you would visit specific sections on the website, such as, and other locations where such content is predominantly hosted.
  3. Audience Persona: A specific audience set chosen basis your targeting criteria and share similar characteristics like location, age, gender, income, occupation, education, household size etc. You can use this to better understand how your targeting selections can limit or expand your targeted audience size. This estimate may vary over time. Tip: You may see improved performance with a broader audience selection.

From Vanity Metrics to Real ROI: The Role of AI and Data in Revolutionizing PR Analytics

The world of PR and communication is evolving at a rapid pace, and with it, the traditional methods of media outreach and measurement are also changing. In this post, we will explore how the rise of online media, social media, and martech tools have impacted the PR industry and why reader-centric data is crucial in today's world.

Traditional Metrics and the Need for ROI

Traditionally, media outreach lists were based on reputation rather than precise numbers. The merit of certain publications denoted the quality of journalism, editorial freedom, and appreciation of specific intellectual strata of society. However, with the rise of online media, PR folks struggled to make sense of it all. They deployed traditional measurement metrics to the world of online media, such as coverage volume, sentiment, and volume vs. competition.

The Problem with Social Media Virality

Soon, the need to go a step further arose. What do these metrics mean in terms of ROI? The rise of social media provided engagement numbers per article, such as shares, likes, and comments, which became the hallmark of all PR strategies. However, PR got siloed in the reputation bucket, struggling to rely on analytics tools focused on social media engagement data.

The world of marketing, on the other hand, benefitted from the rise of martech products, tools, cookie-based tracking, audience personalization, and analytics. The reader was soon forgotten, the one who spends time reading the content on news sites, rarely sharing the same on social media, and may engage on Twitter or others from time to time. The ROI discussion got limited to the social media virality of the content.

The Emergence of Reader-Centric Data

However, for long, reader-centric data tells us otherwise. Did you know that over 90% of press releases you send out get 'ZERO' readership? Unless Dhoni, Kohli, Ranveer, Investment, OTT shows names are mentioned in your release, there is an 85% less chance that anyone will even click on your story's headline. Thousands of articles get published every day on news sites, and what are the chances of yours getting discovered by people? Only 1/4th readers who choose to click on the headline will never go beyond the first paragraph. Your brand's earned online news media segment share is not the number of articles published but the number of readers achieved! Your potential reach, based on which AVE, PRV is calculated, is not the number of visitors on the root domain but factors like bounce rates, return/new visitors, time spent on the article, and more.

Arkreach: The Alternative Solution

Enter Arkreach, an alternative to the norm. Communication analytics can't start and end with social media engagement data. The number of readers consuming content on news websites is massive, and user behavior needs to be studied beyond just clubbing them as a homogeneous entity for PR analysis. Our IPs, rooted in AI, answer some basic questions that have tormented PR for ages. Who did we reach out to and how often? Did I reach my audience persona? Is my media outreach list optimum, or should I continue to use traditional media lists for online media as well? How do I change my media outreach mix for PR to get the most out of it?

Arkreach brings deep reader-centric data and analysis, providing answers to these questions and more. The PR industry needs to adapt to these changes and focus on reader-centric data for better media outreach and measurement. With the help of Arkreach, PR professionals can understand their audience persona, media outreach list, modern measurement metrics, crisis mitigation and the media outreach mix required to achieve the desired outcome.

Reach out to us for a discussion and a free consultation here

Prioritizing Reader Behavior: Secure Your Seat at the Decision-Making Table $$$

However, most PR analytics tools rely heavily on social media data, which may not provide the complete picture. That's where ARKreach comes in. Our cutting-edge SaaS analytics product is specifically designed for communication professionals and focuses on reader-centric analysis. In this blog post, we'll explore why prioritizing reader behavior is crucial for successful PR planning, and how ARK Score can help you achieve your goals.

The Problem with Social Media Data

Social media data is an important parameter to showcase the engagement levels off the news sources. However, relying solely on social media data can be misleading. Though many may participate in online conversations not enough share the content they read on social media. This means that social media metrics may not accurately reflect the readership of a particular publication.

Readers Should Be the Core Focus

Readers are the lifeblood of any news publication, and communication professionals need to focus on them to succeed. In recent years, we've seen a rise in news subscription levels, with online publications like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal leading the way. According to the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2021, The New York Times has the highest number of digital news subscribers globally, with over 7 million subscribers. This shows that readers are willing to pay for high-quality content that meets their needs.

Why Social Media Mentions Aren't Enough

While social media data can provide some valuable insights, it's not enough to measure a brand's strength in terms of the volume of article coverage, the sentiment of conversations around their content, or article volume-based comparison with the competition. For decision-makers sitting in brand/client teams, the importance of data-driven outreach and its impact is paramount. PR news value calculated based on overall news website domain hits and social media engagement gets arbitrary as it is assumption-based and not the real reader data.

Introducing ARK Score

To solve this problem, ARKreach has developed ARK Score, a unique metric that provides communication professionals with precise targeting based on the audience persona, content quality, and sub-section traffic. Let's take a closer look at each of these parameters:

  1. Audience Persona: The Ark Score takes into account where people with a specific audience persona, such as age, gender, income, location, education, and household size, go to consume media category-specific content. For example, if you want to target readers consuming Health category articles who are in the age range of 19-25, female, middle income, graduate-level education, freelancer occupation, and household status of 4, you can do so with ARKreach's media planning module through a custom created media list for this audience set.
  2. Content Quality: The Ark Score takes into consideration content publishing/news websites with the most relevant and high-quality media category content. For example, if you choose health or tech as your media category, then the data analyzed will be only for that specific category and not for every other topic in the news domain.
  3. Sub-Section Traffic: Sustained user traffic on specific content publishing/news website sections where readers visit to consume this content is also considered. For instance, if you want to read about health, you would visit a particular section on the website, such as Overall domain traffic here is of no consequence, and precise relevancy-based analysis is required.

How ARK Score Can Help You?

By focusing on reader behavior and using ARK Score, communication professionals can make more accurate decisions about media outreach planning and come up with customized media lists. This, in turn, can lead to better outcomes for their clients and brands.

By understanding how readers engage with content, one can decipher how to optimize content and improve its reach. Also, identify which types of content are resonating with their target audience, and which are not, and adjust their strategy accordingly. With this kind of data, one can also more accurately forecast the potential reach of their content, giving them a better idea of how much budget to allocate towards earned news media activities.

Larger Share of Marketing Budgets towards PR Activities

When we have access to accurate data on content reach and consumption, we can make a stronger case for a larger share of client/brand's marketing budgets towards PR activities. By demonstrating the impact that PR activities have on content performance, we can prove their ROI and gain a larger share of the marketing budget.

Moreover, ARKreach's innovative suites - Media Planning, Content Optimisation, Measurement, and Crisis & Monitoring - offer next-generation AI and ML technology and frameworks to lead in their earned news media/PR journey from planning to outreach, and measurement. These modules have been specifically designed to empower brands to make data-driven decisions.

The Power of Persona: How ARKreach Helps You Target Your Audience with Precision

Understanding ARKreach Audience Persona

Understanding your target audience is crucial for the success of any communication campaign. While social media data has been the go-to resource for many communication professionals, it may not provide a complete picture of the audience. This is where ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights comes in. This tool is unique in that it focuses on reader-centric data from news sites, providing communication professionals with a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of their target audience. According to  PR Daily’s Media Relations & Measurement Virtual Conference, Katie Delahaye Paine, founder and CEO of Paine Publishing holds that “The new normal requires trust. The key to the next normal is the measurement, as usual. If you don't have data at hand, you're really in trouble. Stop counting things as though everybody lives in a silo. You have got to look at things in terms of your overall corporate priorities.”

What is ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights?

ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights is a tool that allows communication professionals to filter their target audience based on various demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education, household size, and occupation. This information can provide valuable insights into audience behavior, motivations, and preferences, which communication professionals can use to tailor their messaging and outreach efforts to meet the needs of their audience.

Here's why each of these parameters is essential for communication planning:

Age: Age is a crucial factor in determining an audience's interests, behaviors, and motivations. Communication professionals can use this information to tailor their messaging and outreach efforts to speak directly to their target audience. For instance, if your audience is primarily comprised of senior citizens, you may want to focus on health-related topics.

Gender: Gender can play a significant role in shaping an audience's preferences and decision-making. For example, if your audience is predominantly female, you may want to focus on messaging that speaks to their unique experiences and needs.

Income: Income can provide insights into an audience's purchasing power and spending habits. This information can be used to create messaging that speaks to their financial situation and offers products or services that are within their budget.

Education: Education can provide insights into an audience's interests, beliefs, and values. This information can be used to create messaging that resonates with their intellectual curiosity and speaks to their worldview.

Household size: Household size can provide insights into an audience's family structure, lifestyle, and needs. This information can be used to create messaging that speaks to their unique needs and preferences.

Occupation: Occupation can provide insights into an audience's daily routine, priorities, and values. For example, if your audience consists of full-time working professionals, you may want to focus on messaging that speaks to their time constraints and the need for convenience.

By combining these demographic factors, communication professionals can unearth valuable insights that were never available before. For example, if you are promoting a new health product, you can filter your audience by age and household size to identify those who are most likely to be interested in your product. You can then tailor your messaging and outreach efforts to speak directly to this audience, highlighting the health benefits and how they can improve the quality of life for the family.

What Do the Experts Say About Audience Personas?

Research has shown that using audience personas can lead to better communication outcomes. According to a report by HubSpot, companies that use personas in their marketing and communication see a 2-5x increase in website traffic and an increase in time spent on their site. Additionally, personas can help businesses and organizations increase their conversion rates.

Adele Revella, author of "Buyer Personas: How to Gain Insight into Your Customer's Expectations, Align Your Marketing Strategies, and Win More Business," emphasizes that personas are a starting point for understanding your audience. It's crucial to supplement the persona data with additional research and data analysis to get a complete picture of your target audience.

It's important to note that while ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights is a powerful tool, it's essential to supplement the persona data with additional research to gain a complete understanding of your audience. Utilizing this tool in combination with other data sources can provide communication professionals with a well-rounded picture of their target audience and help them optimize their communication strategies for more effective PR and earned news media outreach.

How Can ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights Help Your Communication Strategy?

By using ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights, communication professionals can identify the most relevant audience for their messaging and earned news media outreach efforts. For instance, if you are a PR professional promoting a new health product, you can filter your audience by age and household size to identify those who are most likely to be interested in your product. You can then tailor your messaging and outreach efforts to speak directly to this audience, highlighting the health benefits and how they can improve the quality of life for the family.

Additionally, if you are a communication professional working for a nonprofit organization targeting younger audiences, you can filter your audience by age and education level to identify the most relevant social causes and issues for this demographic. This information can help you create messaging and outreach efforts that resonate with your audience, showcasing the impact and benefits of the social causes that are most important to them.

In conclusion, ARKreach's Audience Persona Insights is a valuable tool for communication professionals looking to gain a deeper understanding of their audience. By focusing on reader-centric data from news sites and using demographic filters, communication professionals can gain insights into their audience's behavior, motivations, and preferences. This information can be used to create messaging and outreach efforts that speak directly to the target audience and meet their unique needs and preferences.

Explore us on ARkreach

ARK Score

Discovering ARKreach: A Closer Look at Four AI-Fueled Modules and Their Key Benefits

ARKreach is a cutting-edge SaaS analytics product specifically designed for communication professionals.

Unlike other products in the market that rely heavily on social media data, ARKreach is focused on reader-focused analysis. This means that it closely follows the behavior of readers on news and content publishing sites, analyzing where they go, what they explore, how much time they spend, how often they come back to read, and where they go after reading the content. This type of insight has previously been available only for marketing analytics tools, but with ARKreach, communication professionals can finally uncover valuable insights that will help them with earned news media planning and analysis.

ARKreach offers four innovative suites - Media Planning, Content Optimisation, Measurement, and Crisis & Monitoring - that are powered by next-generation AI and ML technology and frameworks. These modules have been specifically designed to lead communication professionals in their earned news media/PR journey from planning to outreach, and measurement.

Media Planning: With ARKreach, you can move away from news website traffic-based data points for reach calculations. This fundamentally redefines the way your media lists are formed, allowing you to grade content publishers based on relevancy, not just social signals and traffic. With ARKreach, you can also get reader engagement insights by topic, not domain traffic data, and make decisions based on news site's topic confidence score and reader touchpoints.

Content Optimization: ARKreach's Content Optimization suite uses machine learning to optimize press releases and long-form content based on reader behavior, ensuring that your content gets organically discovered and amplified by online readers. You can also evaluate the readability score of unpublished releases, enhance headlines and releases for greater discoverability, and receive ongoing recommendations for keywords and content trends.

Measurement: ARKreach's Measurement suite offers advanced, non-traditional metrics that are focused on reader behavior rather than just social media engagement on articles or website traffic as potential reach. You can upload articles or search for existing ones, analyze article performance with the Ark Score based on IP, and get predicted reach and insights about the reached audience persona. Additionally, ARKreach provides sentiment analysis, an ROI calculator, and the ability to download graphs and reports.

Crisis & Monitoring: ARKreach's Crisis & Monitoring suite allows you to look beyond social media signals and proactively manage crises by uncovering previously unknown crisis insights and metrics. With instant impact-based alerts for significant events and the ability to understand the crisis-impacted audience persona, you can use the Ark Score, based on proprietary algorithms, to understand the impact of a crisis and receive real-time predictions of audience reach.

ARKreach is way ahead of its competitors, with over 1,50,000 news sources monitored and evaluated daily, and coverage in 487+ languages for extensive global coverage. ARKreach tracks 800M+ domains regularly and has a real-time search capability of 20B+ keywords. With its innovative modules, advanced metrics, and AI-driven technology, ARKreach has the potential to change the communication industry landscape.

ARKreach is a powerful tool for communication professionals that offers a suite of modules designed to lead you in your earned news media/PR journey from planning to outreach, and measurement. With its reader-centric focus and AI-powered technology, ARKreach provides valuable insights that are unlike anything else in the market.

So, why wait? Deep dive into ARKreach's modules today and experience the difference! 

Explore us onARKreach


Revolutionizing Comms Analytics with ArkReach: The Groundbreaking Analytics Suite

Introducing ArkReach: A Game-Changer in Communications Analytics

Modules for Comprehensive Solutions

ArkReach offers four suites – Media Planning, Content Optimization, Measurement, Crisis Management, and Monitoring – providing a complete solution for all communication needs. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and ML technology, the platform rewrites the rules of analytics for news media analysis.

Innovative Metrics

ArkReach’s metrics such as the Ark Score, Category Confidence, Readability Score, and Real-Time Engagement Score deliver a more accurate picture of audience behavior, leaving no room for guesswork.

Bold and Confident Approach

ArkReach sets itself apart from competitors by focusing on reader behavior and utilizing the latest technology to stay ahead of the curve. The platform's bold and confident approach guarantees that you get real results.

Join the Revolution

Are you ready to join the revolution and experience the unique value proposition of ArkReach? Sign up for 4 weeks unlimited free access to our modules and take your communication strategies to the next level.

Get Unlimited Access and Free Consultation

Don't miss out on our limited-time offer for a free consultation for your brand or client. Sign up here at ARKreach and take the first step towards revolutionizing your communication strategies. Join us here- ARKreach