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AI based contextual sentiment from Arkreach

Arkreach’s AI Breaks New Ground in Contextual Sentiment Analysis for Comms!

Discover the revolutionary power of Arkreach’s AI-powered Contextual Sentiment Analysis. This cutting-edge feature enables PR professionals to analyze sentiment with unprecedented precision, focusing on specific entities like brand mentions and key spokespeople across multiple languages

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Reinvent Your PR Plan: Progressive Metrics and Common Mistakes to Evade

To elevate your PR strategy, use top-tier metrics like article-level reach, audience persona analysis, Share of Voice…

Comparative Measurement Dashboards Now Available!

Arkreach introduces a new feature allowing for the direct comparison of various measurement dashboards. The feature…

Analyzing the Poonam Pandey Saga: A Look at Media Impact

The Poonam Pandey saga boosted media attention on cervical cancer, with a 42.75% rise in related articles. The saga and…

Arkreach Index: Your Passport to Data Wonderland!

In a realm where information reigns supreme, the Arkreach Index steps forward as the conjurer behind the scenes,…

Beyond the Code: Tackling Algorithmic Bias

Tackling algorithmic bias is crucial. Industry leaders provide insights on understanding, addressing, and advocating…

Potential reach

A Troubleshooting Guide to Potential Reach ‘<100'

Here's a quick troubleshoot guide on your measurement dashboard and why the potential reach for some of your articles…

Harnessing AI for Enhanced ROI and Data-Backed Reports in Public Relations

AI revolutionizes PR, enabling smarter targeting, automated monitoring, intelligent content creation, real-time crisis…

The Evolution and Impact: A Comprehensive History of Public Relations in India

Public relations in India has evolved from its early beginnings during the freedom struggle to becoming an integral…

What Is Lobbying in Public Relations? An In-Depth Guide

Explore how lobbying in public relations shapes policy decisions, benefiting organizations and individuals. Learn about…

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